Thursday, October 05, 2006

Glutton for punishment

That's me. Having put up a script on the script review site I frequent daily, I now feel that I don't know how to write any more. Ironically this was the first script picked up by a producer, about three years ago. She claimed to love it and we worked together for a while. Unhappily it all fell through in the end, mainly, I think, because we didn't actually get on very well with each other. After that I didn't do much with it until a few months ago I dusted it down, rewrote it a bit, and posted it on the site to test the response. And it was savaged by a number of people. Rather tragically I've already sent this script to a producer who, having read one other script of mine, is interested in my work. He's calling me back before Sunday. I'm not optimistic, but if he does pass on it I am going to suggest that he read a third oeuvre of mine. I hope he goes for it. He's exceptionally nice and we've had some good chats on the phone. He has been directing drama at the BBC and has done some very good work which I've really enjoyed. I really, REALLY want him onboard.

However, I have just put up another script for review, one which is probably my favourite. I'm holding my breath on this because I feel that it's now well and truly ready. In that marvellous universe which exists in the third dimension, the main roles will be played by Judi Dench and either Marianne Faithfull or Meryl Streep. In this universe I am planning to write to Judi Dench, who once dandled me on her knee when I was six years old and she was the most promising young Shakespearean actress of her generation and touring West Africa with the RSC. I plan to remind her of this in the almost certainly vain hope that it will prick her curiosity enough to start reading my script. After that, and I might be ridiculously misguided here, I'm hoping that the words will take over and she might enjoy it. I'll give it a few weeks to see if the agents who asked to see my work offer to represent me. To have representation might make things easier.

I'm being very self-indulgent now, talking about writing, but the lack of movement in that rather large segment of my life is preoccupying me. I feel rather in limbo at the moment. While many projects are poised for action, nothing is actually happening, and that's very, very frustrating indeed.

Watch this space.


Elspeth said...

good luck with it all. I know that limbo feeling - it's paralysing, but I'm sure something will move soon. As for the script reviews, are you sure about the reviewers???

Frankie C. said...

It's rather consistent...

I still haven't heard from the producer. I'm bracing myself every time the phone rings.

Cathy Fielding said...

If it's the "Z" site you've posted your work on, take whatever criticism you receive with an enormous grain of salt.

I've found most of my reviewers from there to be, shall we say...slightly less than professional?

There are (however) a select few in whom you can put your trust -- and work.

Good Luck !!!

Frankie C. said...

I agree, Cathy. In some cases what you get is not helpful in any way. In this case, however, they were pretty well spot on. I heard from the director and he made very similar points.

I could kick myself. Now I have to consider how I can get him to read anbother. But first, I'll make sure what he reads is perfect. It's up live now. Hopefully I'll get some good reviews.

Bit depressed today. But I bounce back easily!