Monday, May 05, 2008

Andrew was right

I started to think about Andrew's comment that I was more effective when I wrote about personal experiences, rather than my 'big ideas' and it rather shut me down. I think he's probably right. And in real life I'm probably more effective when I just tell anecdotes rather than preaching at everyone. Certainly my kids think so. It's been a tough upbringing for them with Mum overstating the case at every turn.

So I think now that I'm restarting this thing I'm going to try and keep my comments on what's happening in the world a little more pithy. It'll be a useful discipline for me because pithy isn't generally what I do well.

I've been away busy with work and wasting time on Facebook, that most uiseless of 'social utilities'. This is going to be my open blog. I'm going to start a more scurrilous one where I can vent anonymously though. I think I need it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't stop the writing of big ideas altogether.
