On September 19th I'm 50. I'm completely cool about this fact. My approach to ageing is similar to Woody Allen's, in that I can't help feeling that it's infinitely preferable to the only feasible alternative.
I've decided to come up with a list of small challenges to tick off over the course of my 51st year on this earth. Some of them will involve more effort than others. I'm going to start compiling that list now, with the first few things which sprung to mind as I walked Apollo this morning.
1. Stay alive.
2. Stay within 2lbs of 9 stone 9.
3. Pass my Spanish GCSE.
4. Complete book 3.
5. Sell one of my books.
6. Perfect a cheese souffle.
7. Go to flamenco classes. (God I do sound like an old bird, don't I?)
8. Start doing an activity with my husband.
9. Start doing an activity with my daughter.
10. Start doing an activity with my son.
11. Write in my blog every day. Maybe this blog, maybe another.
12. Spend more time with my friends. (I'll have to sharpen this one up a bit.)
I'll come back to this. Sensible suggestions welcome.
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