Saturday, January 08, 2011


Got stuck into a snit with some vile, right-wing, probably BNP idiots on the Telegraph website. I do this about once a year and it all makes me feel shaky with anger. Can't bear the kind of mindless, baseless assertions they come out with. Did you know that the far left encourage immigration as a means of destabilising "the system"? Or that Hitler was a far left-wing socialist (clue: Nazi = National SOCIALIST party?) Stupid, stupid people....

They probably feel the same about me, though.

But I'm right. Obv.

1 comment:

Murray said...

Hello there

Been trying to find a contact number or email address from you as am looking for social commentators for a new TV show on Channel 5. Your blog and experiences are exactly the sort of things that we need. Any chance you could drop an email to

Would most appreciate it if you could

Thanks a lot

Murray James