Somehow, despite discussing it with my friends last night, I forgot that the clocks went back last night, so here I am alone in my dressing gown, second cup of tea on the go, Sudoku complete, having a good old think.
The papers last week were full of the fact of middle-class drinking. Apparently enormous numbers of middle-class, middle-aged women are drinking at hazardous levels in the privacy of their own home. We are told that one large glass a night can adversely affect one's health.
I have to throw up my hands and say "guilty as hell" to accusations of drinking too much. I further have to say that, although the numbers go down as we all get older, I am one of very, very many I know who booze quietly at home on a more or less nightly basis. And I'm not talking a single glass of wine a night here. I am an all or nothing kind of girl myself. I can quite easily go without for days but then if I open a bottle, it'll probably end up in the recycling bin by the end of the evening. A bit alarming also is the fact that although I'll be kicking myself the next morning, I won't actually feel physically that bad.
In fact I think I solemnly announced here a few months back that Iwas giving up alcohol for good. That would be because I had made a complete arse of myself and caused myself embarrassment on a scale not experienced since my teens. As long as I don't get over-excited, I don't do that, but I don't like the thick head and the tiredness and the urge to eat a great deal of unsuitable carbohydrate and drink Coca Cola. I do really want to stop but the thing is that nothing tastes as good as wine, especially with food. And I'm such a foodie! One month when Martin and I were off the booze, as we are once a year, we went to a really top restarant and had a fantastic meal washed down with water. It simply wasn't the same.
So what I'd like to do is to limit myself to drinking wine with food. I'm not going to makle any solemn commitments here because I rather know that they don't work, but this will be the aim...
Right, I'm off for a third cup of tea and a poached egg on toast. Mmmm. I love my solitude, don't you?
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