Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam

I know I'm very, very old and very, very grumpy, but my current receipt of spam at about 150 emails a day is getting me down. No, actually, it's making me foam at the mouth.

So I'd just like to put on record the following:

a) I don't need a degree with no work. I've already got two degrees which I worked hard to achieve, and as a self-improver, I don't value anything which is got easily. I want to BE cleverer, not LOOK cleverer

b) I don't have any spare cash, so I will not be buying any shares. Even if I'm sent the same share tip 70 times in a day (oh, yes!) I WON'T BUY IT. Nor will any of the people whose email addresses are vaguely similar to mine but whose emails I am receiving.

c) I do not need or want Viagra. Mainly because I do not have a penis.

d) For the same reason, I do not need anything to make my non-existent penis larger, and my non-existent penis is unlikely to give any women, or men for that matter, more pleasure if it is enlarged.

There. I feel better already. Now I've just got to find the time to do something about it.


Elspeth said...

Viagra works for women too... apparently... according to someone in last Sunday's Observer

Elspeth said...

I got one today which boasted:

"You can grow up to 4 inches and more with Penis Enlarge Patch"

It sounds very convincing, doesn't it!