I know I'm very, very old and very, very grumpy, but my current receipt of spam at about 150 emails a day is getting me down. No, actually, it's making me foam at the mouth.
So I'd just like to put on record the following:
a) I don't need a degree with no work. I've already got two degrees which I worked hard to achieve, and as a self-improver, I don't value anything which is got easily. I want to BE cleverer, not LOOK cleverer
b) I don't have any spare cash, so I will not be buying any shares. Even if I'm sent the same share tip 70 times in a day (oh, yes!) I WON'T BUY IT. Nor will any of the people whose email addresses are vaguely similar to mine but whose emails I am receiving.
c) I do not need or want Viagra. Mainly because I do not have a penis.
d) For the same reason, I do not need anything to make my non-existent penis larger, and my non-existent penis is unlikely to give any women, or men for that matter, more pleasure if it is enlarged.
There. I feel better already. Now I've just got to find the time to do something about it.
Viagra works for women too... apparently... according to someone in last Sunday's Observer
I got one today which boasted:
"You can grow up to 4 inches and more with Penis Enlarge Patch"
It sounds very convincing, doesn't it!
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