Well, pretty bloody good actually.
As predicted, after the first awful week of caffeine deprivation, I felt great - full of energy and enthusiasm for life. I will never get over my addiction to caffeine, which I consider one of the most benign drugs available to me. I did give in a have a cup of coffee halfway through the month on a training course at held in a warm and airless room, when I had been travelling since 5.30 am. I reckon it was a necessity.
But otherwise I've managed the no wheat, no red meat, no dairy, no sugar, no caffeine, no nicotine, no alcohol thing without any ill effects. I've learned to love 100% rye bread in the mornings, drink hot water and lemon first thing in the morning, and cold water in the evenings. I've smoked my last cig and can't think of a reason why I should start again, and my God! Fish is so easy to cook! I even did a dinner party - three courses, all delicious and healthy.
I have lost 9lb, or 4kg, and people keep telling me how great my skin looks. Even I can see that my hair is good and my eyes are clear. So yes, I'm going to go back to my wine, and I'm going to have the occasional treat, but the fruit and veg and detox teas are here to stay. After all, there's a lost more weight to lose bfore I reach my goal.
I love January.
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