You pootle along through life, and every time you think you've got it sorted, that you know where you are and how the world works, stuff happens. Sometimes it's terrible, but just as often it's wonderful. And sometimes you just need to get it off your chest and rage or celebrate. Join me here as I tell it like it is...
Monday, June 26, 2006
a break from politics...
Part 2 of 'why democracy is not all good' follows soon, but I just realised I haven't introduced you to my family. So here are the kids and my Mum on her birthday.
Right - back to the serious stuff.
Your children are lovely, as is your mum! Dogs, I am not a connesieur of so I cannot comment. :-)
Your children are lovely, as is your mum! Dogs, I am not a connesieur of so I cannot comment. :-)
You'll be unsurprised to learn that I think they're all pretty gorgeous too!
I assume that statement includes the dogs as well. If so, I will bow to your greater expertise, and amend my statement to include the dogs too.
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