Life's tough in some parts of our land. I read somewhere that nowadays chief executives ern about 17 times what their workers earn. Apparently not that much earlier in the 20th century the ration was 5:1. And yet what we're wanting from women is that they get themselves out into the workplace. Never mind if you have to rip your nipple from the squalling mouth of your tiny infant and stick in a dummy instead - the important thing is to take your rightful place as a paid up member of the Almighty Workforce. Doesn't matter what you do with that kid - get yourself out there.
So you have low-paid families who don't see each other, eat together, or have more than the haziest idea about what each other are doing; parents who probably hate their lot and drink too much themselves. Excellent. Then we send the kids off to primary schools which will coach them to pass exams at ages 7 and 11, and not bother about the rest of what the world has to offer, so that they can gain entrance to secondary schools which will teach them the subjects which are the easiest to gain 'good' GCSEs in, so that they can get 'good' ratings in the League Tables. And of course if children are particularly difficult, and aren't doing well, we can quietly not put them in for said GCSEs. So you have bored, alienated, under-educated children. Better and better. Then you spread the heinous and unforgivable dogma that teaching children from a working class background about high culture or high thought is elitist, and that what they need is to learn things that are relevant. By which they mean relevant to a life as a wage slave.
Then you make alcohol universally and copiously available to children and throw in a few drugs for good measure. You know what Marx said about religion being the opiate of the masses? Well, no. Opiates and alcohol are the opiates of the masses, except they are not dulled by these drugs, but enraged and filled with loathing at their miserable, meaningless lives.
And all they have is football and celebs and boozing and shagging and fighting. And then there are weird low-browed men who think that women fighting is sexy. Probably in the same way that they think girls who booze so hard that they're sick and have lost the ability to say no to them are sexy. So stigma is gone.
Then you light the touchpaper and retire and hope that they just all kill each other and don't get out into the light where the rest of us live.
The neglect and waste of generations disgusts me, as does the attitude that says that it cannot be otherwise.