Yes, another birthday passes by. I should mind more than I do, if what I read in the papers is to be believed. There's a whole industry of 'lifestyle journalism' which would have you believe that every woman worthy of the name starts hitting the gym when they hit forty, as well as upping the expenditure on face and body treatments. The consensus is that ageing is a problem; something to be worried about. Well, I am here to tell you that it ain't necessarily so.
I am getting older. There you are. It's that simple. No amount of pounding the treadmill and hundred quid face cream or weekly facials is going to change that. As I get older my body gets less gorgeous, my face gets more interesting, and my mind improves. It's
FACT. And you know what? In acceptance is liberty. Now I am more admired for my wit and my intelligence than for my looks, although my husband still thinks I'm a hot chick (well, hen), and his opinion is the only one I care about on that front. I've always liked that people get more interested in me as they talk to me and not less. I like targeting someone who hasn't noticed me at a party, buttonholing them and trying to fascinate. Doesn't always work, but gives me a hell of a kick when it does.
Things I like about getting older:
1. I'm not dead. As Woody Allen once said, "Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative."
2. I don't have to pretend to like things because they're cool. When I told a class of kids that I love grammar, one looked sympathetic and said "Do you have a sad life?" I told him I didn't think so , but he might consider my life sad. How much do I care about the opinion of a 15 year-old? How much should a grown-up care?
3. I don't have to do
ANYTHING because other people will sneer at me if I don't. I don't go on fairground rides, because I don't like them. I can admit that I never liked going to clubs. I hate sport; doing and watching.
4. I don't look up to stupid people. Kate Moss, Paris Hilton, Elizabeth Hurley (especially her - stupid cow), P Diddy and their ilk. Dumb, dumb, dumb and dumb. Not even pretty because they look so stupid.
5. I don't look up to, or envy, rich people. Don't get the whole
Times Rich List thing. Who cares and why? Maybe I'm happier than most.
6. I don't aspire to be anything except a better me. I don't think anyone is my better and I don't think I am anyone's better.
7. I can like Billy Joel.
8. I have interesting friends.
9. I have a historical perspective on the news and can discriminate between informed reporting and uninformed reporting.
10. I don't get alarmed by food or health scares because I know the reverse will be proven within 5 years.
Life's sweet, even if my waistline's thickening.